
FT-RF specializes in producing:

  • Military Antennas (Jammer Antenna, Military Horn antenna, Military vehicle antenna, Antenna Telescope Mast, Marine, Panel, Log Periodic antenna, Gooseneck, Whip, GPS, Connector, Adapter...) Please visit the website:
  • Outdoor Antenna and Indoor Antenna: Including Lora Antenna, ISM, LPWA antenna (868MHz antenna aka EU868, 915MHz antenna aka US915, 923MHz antenna aka AS923 and others.), 4G LTE antenna, 5G antenna, Wifi Antenna, Multi-Frequency Antenna, UHF antenna..., RF components, Cables and Connectors. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN applications, including 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 868 MHz, and 923 MHz... Our product line comprises both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium Network support. Please visit the website here: 
  • Horn Antenna: RF Microwave Antennas, EMC test equipment (Double Ridged Horn Antenna, Open boundary double ridged horn antenna, Quad Ridged Horn Antenna, Standard Gain Horn antenna, Waveguide to coax Adapter, precision Sleeve Dipole Antenna, Log Periodic Antenna, Antenna Tripod, RF connectors... Please visit the website:

We provide measurement and calibration Tests, ODM, OEM services for certain products.

We have hundreds of customers from over 60 countries, and to meet their demands, we developed a plant in Vietnam (with a total infrastructure area of 10000 square meters, which includes three major buildings dedicated to operations and production) in addition to the main manufacturing facility in Taiwan. Now, we are focusing on automatic production lines and investing in automation equipment. In the future, we pledge to deliver the highest-quality product in the shortest possible period.

今年在CES 2022期間揭曉的智慧微型投影機The Freestyle,三星今日 (4/13)宣布引進台灣市場,將以新台幣28900元價格銷售。

▲三星智慧微型投影機The Freestyle登台
▲三星智慧微型投影機The Freestyle登台

The Freestyle定調為微型投影機暨多功能娛樂設備,本身搭載Tizen作業系統,標榜能隨時隨地播放影音內容,同時整機重量僅830公克,可將任何空間變成投影畫面,並且透過腳架自由調整投影角度,加上可直接連接行動電源運作設計,讓使用彈性大增。


其中,The Freestyle具備自動梯形與水平修正功能,可依照投影表面及角度自動調整投放畫面,並且能藉由自動對焦功能確保投放影像維持清晰,最大可投放100吋畫面。而聲音部分,則採用兩組被動放大器,提供乾淨、細節豐富且不失真的低音,並且透過360度聲音輻射技術呈現環繞音效。

投影部分則搭載E26規格燈具,並且在無投影串流內容需求時,亦可透過變色龍模式及半透明上蓋,讓The Freestyle可以變成氣氛燈使用,或是隨著投放內容自動調整音效。

▲可額外加上半透明上蓋,讓The Freestyle可以變成氣氛燈使用,或是隨著投放內容自動調整音效
▲可額外加上半透明上蓋,讓The Freestyle可以變成氣氛燈使用,或是隨著投放內容自動調整音效

另外,The Freestyle也支援與Android、iOS裝置連動,內建串流、鏡像與投影功能,同時也獲得全球主要OTT合作夥伴,如Netflix、Disney+等服務認證,並且支援透過語音聲控操作。

電力運作部分,The Freestyle可透過USB-PD供電,或是支援50W/20V以上電力輸出的行動電源連接運作,藉此增加使用彈性。

三星預計從4月25日起至5月10日期間開放The Freestyle預購,並且加贈防潑水收納包、粉彩保護套 (顏色隨機提供),同時登錄產品序號還加贈專用行動電源。

▲三星預計從4月25日起至5月10日期間開放The Freestyle預購,並且加贈防潑水收納包、粉彩保護套 (顏色隨機提供),同時登錄產品序號還加贈專用行動電源
▲三星預計從4月25日起至5月10日期間開放The Freestyle預購,並且加贈防潑水收納包、粉彩保護套 (顏色隨機提供),同時登錄產品序號還加贈專用行動電源
▲可透過行動電源提供外接電力,讓The Freestyle使用彈性增加
▲可透過行動電源提供外接電力,讓The Freestyle使用彈性增加

The horn antenna is a broadband passive device, shaped like a pyramid horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT-RF Double Ridged Horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 400MHz to 40GHz depending on type and style. These series are characterized by a huge frequency range and extremely high input powers. With increasing frequency, the gain rises to a maximum of 18 dBi. At higher frequencies, the increased gain compensates for the increasing cable losses.

The advantages of Horn antenna:

- Wide bandwidth: Because the horn antenna has no resonant parts, it can function over a wide range of frequencies.

- Easy waveguide interface: These antennas are very easy to interface to waveguide due to their shape, but they can also be designed with a transition so that a regular coaxial feeder can be used.

- Easy to make, simple design.

The horn is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for EMC and immunity test measurements.

Recommended Accessories

- 天線三腳架: easy and fast-changing polarisation. 100% stable handling

- SMA Cable: High-quality special SMA cable

▲側邊提供麥克風撥鍵開關,另外提供mini HDMI,以及支援PD供電的USB-C連接埠
▲側邊提供麥克風撥鍵開關,另外提供mini HDMI,以及支援PD供電的USB-C連接埠
▲The Freestyle可透過專用遙控器控制
▲The Freestyle可透過專用遙控器控制




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